2023 WAS A YEAR…

LOOKING INWARDS - Let's just say I finally found the title and theme of my book that has had been floundering for almost 20 years. It is secret for a little longer. Health is a year behind schedule of where I thought I would be by now. However, I am re-entering the world at a realistic pace. Realistic pace or rather patience has been the great lesson of 2023. This along with experiencing the wonders of morphine that kept me oblivious (sometimes to humorous effect) for eight months taught me to chill. To chill or not to chill - if this is the question, then I answer it everyday now with "yes, to chill is truly the far better way to soak up life which is a priviledge to have a go at".

LOOKING OUTWARDS - When I first went to perform in the Middle East in 1983, I was warned by friends not to go because the people of those lands were many bad things including terrorists and I was sure to be kidnapped and raped. I am sick to have to write these words because, of course, I found only the kindest, most generous, loving people for the last 40 years. A people who helped to heal my wounds of real terror experienced here in my homeland of Canada. I now wish I had been more pro-active and outspoken in disputing the outlandish lies spewed in the Western propaganda machine. Terms like "axis of evil" used to dehumanize a people in order to justify the many massacres. The worst of course, right now.

TEACHING - Thank you for sticking with me during my year of health setbacks. I am happy to say that 2024 begins with me regularly teaching in studio and online.

BOOK - My memoir has 14 rough draft chapters completed and about 12 more to go. I began creating ensemble choreography at age seven and then took dance classes at age nine. Kind of backwards. I started teaching (meditation then dance), directing a dance company and orchestra, producing large international conferences and festivals, making films, writing magazine articles and now a book all without any experience or education in these fields. I stumbled learning along the way. This book is important to me, since it sums up my whole life, so at age 63 I am taking five University of Toronto writing courses over the next six months. The last time I went to school was grade 10.

FILM - The 30 minutes of music for “Seven Gates” film has been composed and is now being mastered. Rob Christian & Rich Greenspoon surpassed my dreams creating such evocative music. Will start filming shortly.

EXTRA PERSONAL NOTE - I learned the lesson of boundaries in 2023 which oddly enough resulted in discovering several amazing true friends, who were always there, but who I can now trust and love wholeheartedly. I used to have trouble distinguishing between dangerous people and honest loving people so I kept my wall halfway allowing some bad actors in and keeping many good actors at a distance. This left me lonely and vulnerable. Now my wall is right up close but there are a lot of amazing people inside that wall that keep me safe and feeling loved.

2023, you were a rough year but thank you for the gifts.

Yasmina Ramzy


Tonight, George Wassouf


The Greatest Gift