The Greatest Gift

To feel the pain of others is a blessing. It means you are fully present in this world, a member of a huge family, and living life to the fullest.

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to open your heart to the suffering of others. It is a priviledge to have an empathetic and compassionate heart. We have such a short time in this life, why not live it fully engaged with all of the world.

Be careful that you do not rob yourself of an open heart by living in a comfortable cocoon.

Just because you may not be a Person of Colour or just because you do not live in a war zone or displaced by one or just because you have not been raped or just because you do not live in Flint, Michigan without safe water or Kiribati being swallowed by the rising ocean does not mean you are free of this suffering. We are all connected in ways that are not always immediately apparent.

By caring for your world family whether it means joining a political movement in protests, canvassing or vigils or supporting Doctors Without Borders or simply crying alone for someone else so they are not crying alone, you are a member of the world family and that is the most beautiful gift.

By Yasmina Ramzy on Christmas Day 2023


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