
Where is the Goddess in a Vertical Drop and a Shimmie?
goddess and bellydance, spirituality in bellydance

The Birth Of A Dance Teacher
I knew this teaching thing could not end well, but I had to prove I was not selfish.

Mid 80s - Starting A Solo Life
With full stage makeup still on, I continued my nightly ritual of stopping at Country Style Donuts to order a strawberry jelly-filled doughnut and a hot chocolate.

From the 8th Floor Window
Smoke eeking its way out of a chimney not sure which direction to go.

Street Scene
Sloppily bursting out the glass doors is a young man bent over leading with the back of his toque. He looks up revealing a broad smile matched by a bouquet of pink roses. Breathlessly muttering to himself, he seems to be rehearsing lines for a play.

A Priest, A Rabbi, An Imam And Two Buddhists
It was like the holy books had swallowed me up and whisked me away on a magic carpet ride back in time. The conversation was getting a bit cryptic until Lily piped up, saying that she was Buddhist and did not believe in any one god.

Dancing, Blood & Onions
My choreography passion began in Montreal at Expo 67….drew blood…onions as peace offering

Music and Memory
Thirteen hundred people were bopping and swaying. Synapses were crashing as joy, grief, excitement and heartbreak all collided into each other

Tonight, George Wassouf
But oh, how he can make a note wave and weave with meaning that melts away your every fibre. When he sings “the goodbye day” or “the people say” or “love is a sultan”, his pain dispels my own.

2023 WAS A YEAR…
To chill or not to chill - if this is the question, then I answer it everyday now with "yes, to chill is truly the far better way to soak up life which is a priviledge to have a go at".

The Greatest Gift
By caring for your world family whether it means joining a political movement in protests, canvassing or vigils or supporting Doctors Without Borders or simply crying alone for someone else so they are not crying alone, you are a member of the world family and that is the most beautiful gift.

My Firsthand Experience of Media Misinformation About the Middle East
The rich and powerful voices get heard first and by the time we listen to the poor and vulnerable it is often too late.

Feminism & Bellydance
Bellydancing seems to be opening a new and yet ancient door on how to view femininity, the female body, what can be expressed through it, and the empowerment that feminine sensuality holds.

Finding Your Dance Niche
I find masses of dancers emulating one or two popular dancers really boring.

First Mid-East Gig - Part Two
. I am not sure who was afraid of who more; me of the audience or the audience of me. But we warmed up to each other in the following nights…